Monday: 8am to 5pm | Tuesday-Friday: 8am to 4pm | Holiday Closings

We will not process certain requests after the following times: Board of Zoning Appeals & Plat/Plan Commission Filings must be brought in 1 hour before closing or by 3 p.m. on Filing Deadlines | Building Permits Requiring Health Department Approval must be brought in 30 minutes before closing | Building Permits Not Requiring Health Department Approval must be brought in 15 minutes before closing.


Redevelopment Program Coordinator: Natasha Kauffmann

Redevelopment Commission Members

Redevelopment Commission (RDC) Members are appointed by Elkhart County Elected Officials & includes the following:

  • Jon Hunsberger, President
  • Mandy Leazenby, Vice President
  • Rick Gentle, Secretary
  • Darryl Riegsecker, Council Liaison
  • Sara Huss
  • Frank Luchesse
  • Greg Eash
  • Jennifer Davis, School Boards Liaison

  • Support Staff:
    • Mae Kratzer, Planning & Development Director
    • Natasha Kauffmann, Redevelopment Coordinator
    • Jackie Masters, Utilities Coordinator
    • Craig Buche, Legal Counsel

RDC Meetings

RDC meetings take place every first Thursday of the month at 2:00 pm at the County Administration Building unless otherwise stated.

For Minutes and Agendas, please reach out to the Redevelopment Coordinator (see "Contact" heading).

To access a Public RDC Meeting digitaly, CLICK HERE at the start time of the meeting or Copy Paste the following URL:

TIF Projects

The RDC is primarily focused on projects that happen in or near a designated TIF area. The RDC may come up with projects themselves, or have projects suggested to them by government officials, private developers, and local citizens.

Projects are often focused on increasing property values in the area, and tend to be either public use projects (paths, parks, road improvements, signs, etc.) or private development projects (extending water and sewer lines, R.O.W. landscaping, creating new roads, etc.)

Private developers in TIF areas looking to apply for a TIF project may do the following:

  • Inquire about the eligibility of their proposed project
  • Negotiate a reimbursement agreement
  • Pay a $2,500 fee to have their project brought before the RDC and other governing bodies


Redevelopment Coordinator
Natasha Kauffmann

Helpful Links

Questions? Let Us Know!